
convention on international interests in mobile equipment معنى

  • اتفاقية الضمانات الدولية على المعدات المنقولة
  • convention    n. تقليد, مؤتمر, م ...
  • on    adv. فوق, عن, حسب; ...
  • international    adj. دولي, عالمي; ...
  • interests    المصالح; صوالح; مص ...
  • in    adj. داخلي, حاكم, ...
  • mobile    adj. متحرك, متنقل, ...
  • equipment    n. التجهيزات و الخ ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. convention on insider trading معنى
  2. convention on international access to justice معنى
  3. convention on international carriage by air معنى
  4. convention on international civil aviation معنى
  5. convention on international liability for damage caused by space objects معنى
  6. convention on international regulation of brokering and shipping agents معنى
  7. convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora معنى
  8. convention on justice and support for victims of crime and abuse of power معنى
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